Saturday, May 05, 2007

So, um is anybody there???

You know, I think I'd post a little more often if I would get some comments. *hint-hint*

This Sunday marks the end of our series through the book of Judges. Hmm, now what next? 2nd Hezekiah? 1st Opinions? Hmm, oh the options. :-)

It's amazing as I study these last three chapters how the people responded to sin. It seems that they didn't even realize it was a sin. However, it hadn't been that long since Moses had been given the Law, so they should have known. Unfortunately, the parents weren't doing a very good job at teaching their children about the wonders of God.

How about us? For the parents that are reading this, are we teaching our children about who God is and what He has done? All it takes is the failure of one generation to cause the fall of a nation. If you read Judges, notice how quickly they fell. They enter the Promised Land with Joshua and things are going well. He dies, his assistants die, and the nation falls into idolatry. It's too easy to try to rely on another person to teach our children, but how can we be loving parents if we are not teaching them what is eternally important. Instead, we focus on the temporary and make idols out of it.

Our society reminds me of the last part of the final verse in Judges. "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit." Everyone did as he saw fit. No regard for what was right. How we feel right now does not make something right or wrong.

We can't let this happen to us today.

-Parson Larson


Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler, Mom here. I need to go to bed, but must drop you a line first. Yes, teach when you lie down and when you rise up and when you walk by the way...but pray all the while. Only the Holy Spirit can convict our children of sin. I didn't pray enough. I took action instead, always working. I still struggle with this. Pray before you respond to a crisis with a child, that their hearts may be open. I am always lecturing to closed ears... God bless you and Misty as you walk the path of parenting by faith. Love you both. I do read your blogs, at least as often as I read Misty's--not frequently as I should! Good night. Mom RNZ

Anonymous said...

tyler I read it but I don't comment sorry about that

you might want to post more

Anonymous said...

I'M HERE I'M HERE!!! sorry though.. i'm not there. ahh.. ok cheesey i like cheese.. haha anyway.. good blog.. you should start trying to get l-e to understand the gosple story i know plenty of kids that were her age when they accepted Jesus into their hearts.. but yea.. and i like what mom said that was really goood haha.. listen to her brother!!! haha..oh oh and i found this awesome college
oh oh and you NEED to tell me who sings this song!
and yea i'm shuting up now.. "it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." well i guess it's too late for me.. i'm out.
your annoying little sister

Anonymous said...

Pastor Larson, that sounds funny to me. I liked this post. I enjoy reading about what you are teaching your flock. How was MI. I was so bummed that we were in Nebraska while you where in MI, But it was a good trip.