Friday, June 01, 2007

Long time, no writing...

Sorry about not updating this blog more often! Things are going really well here in KS and as an excuse about why I haven't written read this:

We've been a little busy with the adoption, with Ellie and Evan, with weddings (1 down, 2 to go), and just life. However, I should update more. We'll see if I can stick with it. :-)

As far as church is going, we've had ups and downs. We recently had a couple resign from their positions on the board. We kind of saw this one coming, but were doing what we could to avoid that. However, all things are in God's hands, we just may not like them.

For ups, well... we have started a new sermon series in the book of Titus which is a really interesting study. I'm getting a lot out of it. The frustrating thing is that only about 75% of what I end up studying gets into my sermon. I'd be preaching 2+ hour sermons if I put it all in there.

We also are starting an AWANA program. Village Missions and AWANA are starting a pilot program to get rural churches active in youth ministries and Misty and I will be heading to Chicago in August for a conference on this. I must admit that I'm excited about the flight more than the conference at this point, but that's mainly because Misty and I haven't had the chance to fly together yet. She also has relatives near Chicago, so we might try and get together with them for supper some night if we have the time.

Please continue to pray for us and for the church as we continue in our ministry here. There have been several health problems among people in the church (all of them are doing fine now), for the couple that has resigned their positions, and for the AWANA program. We need to have enough leaders for all of the kids in the area that are likely to come!

God bless,

1 comment:

Misty said...

enjoyed your post. I love your sermons and would be interested in hearing the two hour version...but I don't think Evan or Ellie would sit that long! :) I love you