Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Beautiful Day

Have you ever woken up in a really good mood? I'm like that today. I had a good breakfast, the kids are playing happily, it's a beautiful day, Misty's having a good day, and I just finished one of the best cups of coffee I've had since I finished working at Jax, a coffee shop in Scottsbluff, NE.

Something I've noticed about coffee is that once you have had really good coffee, you become spoiled. You've had what is excellent and anything less becomes a disappointment. Earlier this summer I flew up to Michigan for the wedding of a friend. In one of the airports I stopped by a rather well known coffee place. (You know the one.) I have a particular affinity for a dry cappuccino. What this is for those who are not as well versed in coffee lingo is a cup of thick foam (preferably thick enough to hold a spoon upright in the glass) with a good espresso poured down the middle. I ordered a very dry cappuccino at this place and became extremely disappointed when I received a drink with no foam at all, just milk that had been steamed to a temperature that ruined the flavor of the drink.

Now, believe it or not, I do have a point to this post beyond showing that I'm what some call a "coffee snob". Those of us who have tasted of the grace of God have experienced what is greater than anything this world can offer. What seemed to be wonderful to us before, now tastes ruined at best; or at worst, like a second rate knock-off. All of the pleasures that this world can offer may be fun and enjoyable for a moment, but we know that it doesn't last and doesn't compare to what we have received in Christ Jesus.

If you have questions about this grace, leave me a comment with your e-mail address. I won't post it for all to see, but I will write you back explaining what this grace is and how to receive it.

God bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

halo Tyler you should be happy that mom and dad didn't throw that coffee machine away. Has evan worn his new monkey suit. Mom and dad are having a
ball in new england dad said he has
taken over 800 pics so far good thing they took the lap top. comment
for you a comment for me well anyway
see ya later ty
